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Resources, Tools and Events for Financial Advisors

If you want to increase your income significantly by helping your clients achieve more so that you create win-win experiences all the time and get more referrals, become a promoter of Cash Flow Tutor Events.

The services showcased are generally outside of services you currently provide and you will not be competing with your business.

You will receive compensation for services your clients choose and in the case of increased cash flow to your clients, you can help them utilize this to increase commitments to your existing services so that they are closer to achieving their goals.

As you are aware, many consumers are far from reaching their financial goals as they do not have the cash flow to commit towards reaching them. If they are able to increase their monthly cash flow while also reducing their amortization on debt, it is as if the money is free and it is easier to use money they never had than money they don’t have. If they required $500 a month to cover their savings or protection need and they could only afford $250 before, if they can now use $250 of the freed up money to get to $500, it is positive for both them and you as the advisor.

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